Outstanding Reports are those reports which give you the reports of parties outstanding balance, if you take proper tracking of your bill as you have seen in Bill by Bill Transaction then your report will also be correct.
Steps: Display > statement of Account > Outstanding > payables / Receivables.
Here we have one more option to see party outstanding report such as Age-wise in which you get two more option (1) Aging by bill date (2) aging by due date > give your reporting period and check the report as mention in below image.
· “Ageing by bill date” calculate the period from bill date of invoice
· “Ageing by due date” calculate by period from a due date which you give in tally at the time of entering the bill.
Display > Accounts Book > Ledger > choose the party name
In party ledger, the Closing Balance is the pending amount
If the party is "Debtor" balance will show at the debit side and if the party is "Creditor" balance will show at the credit side. (Personal Law will apply here Debit the receiver and Credit the giver")
Outstanding Reports In Tally
Reviewed by Tally Gate
August 09, 2019
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